Wednesday 11th June 2025

More speakers to be announced in the coming weeks...

08:30 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:05

Opening remarks from the editor of Planning

Drop-in Session

09:05 - 09:10

Chair’s opening remarks

Drop-in Session

A warm welcome to all delegates followed by a thematic overview of the day.

How government is changing the planning system to deliver more development

09:10 - 10:15

09:10 - 09:30

What actions have been taken by the Labour government to make the system deliver more development, and what further steps can we expect from the government to drive a more positive planning environment for development?


  • What interventions have been made so far?
  • What further policy can we expect to drive the government’s positive planning agenda?
  • What is the government doing to specifically support LPAs/drive culture change?

  • Q+A

    09:30 - 09:45

    What does the government’s plan for change mean for the sector?


  • What interventions have been made so far?
  • What further policy can we expect to drive the government’s positive planning agenda?
  • What is the government doing to specifically support LPAs/drive culture change?
  • 09:45 - 10:15

    How do you get local planning authorities to say yes?

    Panel Discussion

    • How can this positive culture be created in LPAs? What works? 
    • What are the difficulties and can it be done with limited resources? 
    • What are the implications of reform of planning committees/greater officer delegation?  

    Local plans: the next generation. How will the next wave of local plans be different and how will they be impacted by strategic plans?

    10:15 - 10:25

    Keep on planning - Why it is essential to maintain focus on plans despite rapid policy change


    • Update on latest transition timetables, status of front runners, digitisation timetable
    • Outline impact of NDMPs
    • Setting out new approach on design and design codes

    10:25 - 10:40

    What is it like to draw up a new-style plan?


    • How do new-style plans differ from plans under the old system?
    • What are the new challenges not previously faced?
    • Will they be able to be drawn up within the 30-month timetable?

    10:40 - 11:20

    What does the return of strategic planning mean for local plan formation?

    Panel Discussion

    Focus on the implications of the proposed new tier of strategic planning across England

    • What will strategic plans cover and when will they come in? 
    • How will they affect local plans? 
    • What will their role in green belt be and how will they be drawn up?

    Morning Break

    11:20 - 11:40


    11:40 - 12:40

    11:40 - 12:40

    Stream A: Renewing the sector

    Panel Discussion

    A1: How are digital planning and AI going to change planners’ jobs forever?

    • The opportunities from digital local plans
    • The opportunities from combining digital documentation with granular prop-tech data
    • What the pitfalls are and how to avoid them

    11:40 - 12:40

    Stream B: Planning for housing

    Panel Discussion

    B1: How can you solve the Section 106 delivery challenge for affordable homes?

    • Why aren’t housing associations taking on s106 stock? 
    • What are the practical ways this issue can be mitigated through options such as cascade mechanisms, payments in lieu, councils taking on stock etc. 
    • Are there other ways out that don’t involve a reduction in the affordable housing offer?


    11:40 - 12:40

    Stream C: Planning for growth

    Panel Discussion

    C1: How can the sector better plan for employment uses?

    • How do LPAs deliver local growth plans?
    • What method should LPAs use to decide how much land to provide?
    • How can the developer sector work in partnership with authorities to make the case for employment uses?


    Networking Lunch

    12:40 - 14:00


    14:00 - 16:00

    14:00 - 15:00

    Stream A: Renewing the sector

    Panel Discussion

    A2: How can local planning authorities deliver great services without the funding to match?

    • How to foster effective partnership working between LPAs and developers that pays for services
    • Delivering truly effective working between officers and members
    • What works in terms of running a planning team


    14:00 - 15:00

    Stream B: Planning for housing

    Panel Discussion

    B2: Grey belt - Will housing development be brought forward under the golden rules?


    • Where are the opportunities for developers? 
    • How broadly is grey belt defined? 
    • Are opportunities stymied by the requirements under the golden rules?


    14:00 - 15:00

    Stream C: Planning for growth

    Panel Discussion

    C2: How can the planning system deliver 150 major infrastructure permissions by the end of the parliament?

    • Is the government delivering on the necessary NSIP reforms?
    • Does PINS have the capacity to process the casework?
    • What do the infrastructure provisions in the Planning and Infrastructure Bill mean for the sector?

    15:00 - 16:00

    Stream A: Renewing the sector

    Panel Discussion

    A3: Beyond beauty: How can authorities use design codes to create amazing places?

    • What the removal of beauty from the NPPF means for planning
    • The new role for design codes with the end of authority-wide coding 
    • What the design code policy means for neighbourhood planning
    • How to embed placemaking and good design into local plans

    15:00 - 16:00

    Stream B: Planning for housing

    Panel Discussion

    B3: How will the next generation of new towns be planned for?

    • What is coming up from the New Towns Taskforce
    • How authorities in areas selected for New Towns should approach their local plans
    • What are the right delivery arrangements for New Towns?
    • What are landowners and the private sector’s role in delivery?


    15:00 - 16:00

    Stream C: Planning for growth

    Panel Discussion

    C3: How to prepare for growth in council CPOs to support housing delivery?


    • What are the implications of newly revised law on CPOs, and proposals for further powers
    • Will local authorities take up a new mandate from the government to use these powers?


    Afternoon Break

    16:00 - 16:25

    Planning without a plan: How are LPAs treating speculative applications until new plans come forward?

    16:25 - 17:35

    16:25 - 16:35

    Where are applicants seeing opportunities in the new system?


    • Where are applicants focusing their energy? 
    • Are applicants seeing the next period as a key time of speculative applications? 
    • How significant a factor will grey belt be? Where is it located?

    16:35 - 16:50

    How is the inspectorate going to approach appeals on speculative applications?


    • What has changed with the new NPPF and with the direction from the government? 
    • How will PINS approach appeals on grey belt land? 
    • Are we in danger of getting planning by appeal?

    How should LPAs be responding to speculative applications in the context of higher housing numbers

    Panel Discussion

    • Does the new system leave LPAs with sufficient options to resist when confronted with poor schemes, or proposals on unsustainable locations?
    • Can LPAs be positive while keeping a semblance of control? 
    • How do LPAs expect to treat grey belt applications? 


    Chair’s closing remarks

    17:30 - 17:35